Research Director
Dr. N.Zouridakis, Tel: +30 210 6503969, Fax: +30 210 6511766

Technical Staff
Ms. K. Lakten

Ms. E Arnidi

Εργαστήριο Ισοτοπικής Υδρολογίας

Research Activities


The purpose of an Isotope Hydrology Laboratory is to determine the concentrations of stable and radioactive isotopes in the water circle and eventually help resolve problems concerning a variety of scientific fields (Hydrogeology, Climatology, Physic Atmosphere, Stromatography, Archaeology and Food Chemistry).

Use of environmental isotope hydrology techniques in resolving problems related to the origin of groundwater and the dynamics of the corresponding systems. Application on the optimization of groundwater resources and geothermal energy fields.

Development and application of isotopic hydrology techniques for the investigation of hydrological characteristics, such as the mechanism of recharge of groundwater reservoirs, the available volume of water, its flow velocity, the relation between different reserves etc, detection of eventual leakages in dams or natural surface reservoirs, or of environmental pollution by sewage water, etc.

Determination of the time at which ground water became confined in the corresponding aquifers (Isotope Hydrology and geothermal studies)

The Laboratory deals with the analysis of the isotopic characteristics (18O, D, 13C) of underground and surface waters and the use of the corresponding results, for the solution of problems related with the exploitation of aquatic resources and geothermal energy.

The determination of 18O concentration in water samples enables to:

a) locate the height of water recharge area and define the contamination area between waters from different aquifers.

b) evaluate the interaction between surface water and groundwater resources.

c) estimate the capacity of groundwater reservoirs

d) measure the enthalpy in geothermic fields.


Also, the Laboratory is monitoring the concentration of natural 14C in the atmosphere for the estimation of the production of CO2 from the combustions of the petroleum products and the study of the change of the isotopic ratios 13C/12C and 18O/16O in the atmospheric CO2 for the determination of their provenance.


«Mass Spectrometry for determination of the isotopic ratios 18O/16O, D/H, 13C/12C, 15N/14N».


Determination of the concentration of Tritium in water samples


a) Determination of the mean residential time of embedded water.

b) Estimation of the mean groundwater flow velocity.

c) Detection of the falsification in alcohol drinks.


«Equipment for tritium analysis»




Dating of archaeological and geological samples




Determination of the concentration of 222Rn

Furthermore, a method for the determination of the concentration of 222Rn in water and atmospheric samples using Liquid Scintillation Technique was developed and applied in the laboratory. Actually it focuses on:

a) the determination of concentration of 222Rn in water supply systems.

b) the determination of concentration of 222Rn in indoor areas (indoor pollution).

«Liquid Scintillation Technique for determination of the concentration of 222Rn and 14C »